Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fabric for borders or backing need not be expensive

I guess Myra found a website that she likes for buying fabric.
She says:
"I was looking for a certain fabric and found it at: A lot of their fabric was $3.99/yd. They are in Arkansas so there was no tax. I paid $5.99 shipping but on 4 yards of fabric, it made my fabric
$6.50/yard---still cheaper than buying it at a fabric store."

And, off the topic - if you haven't seen it already - go see "Julie and Julia". It is a hoot. The scene with her and her sister is priceless.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Off Topic - Garden

We are having so much very hot wind today. I have been trying to water everything since it's been such a while since we had a good rain. Last May we had a really bad storm here in Joplin. Not a tornado, but almost. We lost several 20-30 ft. shade trees in our yard and in the adjacent empty lot. Therefore, it's been all sun this year. This poor potato vine (that's just one plant) is really struggling. I'm giving it extra water but can't stop the wind.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Guild budgets

Hey Barbara, you've brought up a great new topic - fund raising.
We seem to have a healthy budget - that is, until we look at what it costs for anything - such as our poll/racks for hanging quilts at the show. And/or the cost of having a national speaker. Our main money-maker is the Quilt show but that's just every other year. Wonder what other guilds do?
I think the comments about the library are on target. I typically buy books either on impulse at the shop or sometimes on Amazon for a specific project. Once I decided to do a Bargello quilt. Couldn't find a book locally (is this a passed fad?)but found one in the guild library. Checked it out and read it and decided I really didn't want to do it. So that worked out to my advantage.
Got to run. Every month after I finish the newsletter I take it over to Gloria and we proofread it and see if I left anything out or if there are any "glaring" mistakes. There usually are a few minor ones that slip through. It seems a little skimpy this month. A lot of people are out of town. Is it August that makes us sluggish? Or is it just me?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Guild library

I was talking with the librarian for the Guild and she seems a little disappointed that not that many people are interested in checking out books. We have an extensive collection. If you are like me, you only need a book for a little while or maybe only need a chapter or two. It's expensive nowadays to buy these books as they are usually over $20. Of course, we do buy them -- for the latest and neatest techinques and tips and especially inspiration. But the oldies are always goodies! Well, anyway, I can hardly wait to see what she's done with the book she checked out last month. It's a baby quilt and she'll have it on display back in the back at the library table.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm back!

Hello everyone, I've been on vacation and then the day after I got back, had carpal tunnel surgery so haven't been in the computer room too much lately.

Today the Guild board met; our usual monthly meeting. Still talking about the poles for hanging quilts at the next show. Seems like it's going to be a rather large expense to purchase them, but maybe that would be the best choice. I believe that Grove Guild rents theirs for their show, but that, too, is expensive. We need some input. Kay did some research online for us but said she didn't find out anything conclusive. Hope someone comments on this.

The Four Corners Quilters are inviting us to join them at their yearly camp and retreat. It's $58.00 per person for the entire weekend, Sept 25, 26, 27. Meals provided, and beds. Will need to bring your own bedding, sewing machines. You may work on something of your own or help with donation quilts. There will be a contest and prizes. I'll put this in the newsletter with the phone number of the contact person. Don't like to put phone numbers in the blog without permission. It's Cathy S - maybe she'll see this and comment. Not sure where this is held. Debra, you know where don't you? If you see this post would you comment on what it's like?